Vitamin Water

Vitamin Water has countless avid consumers that believe they are making healthy decisions when they indulge in this pure and original beverage.

Why do you think this is?

Purely because of the colourful, unique and cool looking bottles that read light-hearted and funny as well as clever texts on the bottle.  Vitamin water also conveys an image that it is healthy, refreshing, and uplifting… a miracle elixir that can replenish and refuel one’s body.  “Essential”, “Energy”, “Balance”, “XXX”, and “Defense” are just a few of the variety of flavours that this product offers.  Vitamin Water uses a language that empowers customers to make healthy choices.

There is no doubt this brand would not be as popular without its genius marketing strategy.  A “new bottled water” that isn’t even water at all!  The ingredients possess similar attributes to bottled juices and come close to the amount of sugar and calories that a can of pop contains.  On top of it all, many Olympians and famous athletes endorse this product.  There is no question that the public has a misunderstanding of the true health benefits.   This is simply because Vitamin Water has a strong brand identity and connotes a positive and healthy image.

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