Coach chooses Snooki!

I was just browsing through some of my classmates blogs when I came upon Crystals piece called “Playing Dirty” about designer labels giving Snooki free handbags.  This notion would be flattering to most; however, these companies such as Coach are not supplying her with THEIR handbags, they are giving away the competitors product!! As Crystal said, this is a genius marketing scheme.  The idea behind this strategy is to devalue the competitor’s brand through a celebrity that has a bad rep and is viewed as trashy in the public eye.  It is also a good precautionary measure to prevent Snooki from damaging their brand.  In a perfect situation, Coach will get the attention of the classy, upper-class demographic that were once loyal to Gucci but value the brand no longer. In my opinion, this is a ruthless marketing tactic but is totally fare game.  It is an example that proves how marketing strategists are constantly coming up with innovative ideas that work!  Can’t wait to see more creativity!

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