Movember – a brilliant campaign that has diffused over social media and reached the world

What is Movember?

The idea of Movember was born in Melbourne, Australia in 2003 with the vision to change the way we see men’s health. More specifically, it brings awareness to prostate and testicular cancer that effect 1 in every 6 men. Mo Bros, the guys growing a moustache and Mo Sistas, the ladies who support their guys, can take an equal part in raising awareness. Participants register on and get their own donation page called a “mo space page”.

Social Media’s Impact on the MOvement.

Through the month of Movember, registrants post updates on moustache growth and push it through E-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social channels enrolling more people in the movement. Adam Garone, co-founder and CEO of Movember, talks about how in the pre-Facebook and Twitter era, Movember relied on one-on-one conversations. With the rise of social networks, conversations and engagement on the topic has spawned a snowball effect.

Beyond the social media integration component, Movember’s campaign strategy involves viral videos such as this one starring Nick Offerman:

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and a mobile app to accommodate growing digital trends.

Mo Facts.

In 2004 (the first fundraising year) there were 450 men that raised $54,000.

       In 2012, Movember had 1,127,152 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas reaching 21 countries                           accumulating $146.4 million (2,703% increase over 8 years)!

        This year, Movember has more than 3 million participants.

       There are 26,927,373 visits to

       Over the course of the month, the average participant has 11 status updates, sends 16                  emails, makes 7 phone calls, sends 10 tweets and has 36 face-to-face conversations.

       In total there are about 1.9 billion conversations about movember and men’s health,                   33,019 Movember editorial mentions.

Mo Impact.

       70% of participants talked about men’s health issues.

       20% went to a doctor

       67% recommended someone else see a doctor

       43% became more aware and educated about the health risks they face.

Picture taken with Movember Photo Booth, available on the App Store.

Take part in this month long campaign at Join the Movement!

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