My Secrets to Living a Healthy Fun & Balanced Life!

A couple of people now have asked me how I stay balanced. I was taken aback by this deep question with both flattery and confusion at first. I had never viewed myself as a “balanced person”, however, these questions required me to really dig deep and ponder how I have been successful and content with the life that I lead.

Below are my personal beliefs and vital components in my everyday life that enable me to maintain balance while also having fun.  Fun is emphasized because a lot of people think that you can’t achieve both of these ingredients simultaneously, however, I am here to prove you peeps wrong…!

Make a Plan

I believe that I am a “live in the moment” type of person but the way I see it, it also never hurts to have a plan. Whether it is making a “To-Do List” or using a daily agenda, this is how I personally stay on track and make progress. Planning is a very central part of my life. It is the reason I make my appointments on time, meet necessary deadlines, and it is crucial to achieving my short and long-term goals. If you don’t write it down, it won’t happen. The only concern I have with planning is some people can get carried away with the idea that they are going to do something without actually following through. I am totally guilty of this at times…in these cases I focus more on the action/implementation than the plan.

Embarking on new experiences and wild cards

Many of us have this fear of failing but failure will always come before us in some way or another. One of my HR profs used to say to us: “There is no such thing as failure, only feedback”. I interpret this saying as success is not possible without bumps along the way. Don’t be scared! I also consider two things before I make big decisions: 1) “What do I have to lose” and 2) “Will this affect me in 5 years from now”. Another way I perceive work that I am doing is whether I am being challenged because if I realize I am not, I find ways of doing it better or taking more on. If you are not challenging yourself nor failing, you are never learning.

My key takeaways would be to take on what seems like an impossibility and believe in yourself because you have the tools and resources to do anything you put effort into…cheesy but true 😉

Good Food

Heard of the saying: “we are what we eat?”?  In my eyes, this is 100% accurate. After I fix myself up a healthy and nutritious meal I feel energized and satisfied. Take the time to prepare a proper meal because it will pay off with great enjoyment and self-satisfaction.

Find the outlet that helps you alleviates stress

This world is more competitive than ever and along with longer work hours, financial worries, just to name a few variables, we are naturally more stressed than ever.

It is critical to achieve a healthy and clear mental mind in order to stay happy and tackle all the other complexities we are faced with on a daily basis.

Yoga and good music are ways that I tune-out the stress in my life. These two things constitute a large part of my weekly regiment. Figure out what works best for you and stick with it!

Get Sweaty & then sweat some more!

It is very important to increase the beautiful beat of your heart through high impact/cardiovascular activity. Get the blood flowing and activate endorphin production to reduce stress and maintain happiness. Doing regular exercise 3-5 times a week will not only reduce stress and make you happy, but it will make you look and feel fabulous too!

Good network of positive supportive people

Find those people in your life that constantly inspire you and make you happy. Keep these people close and channel out those who exert negative energy because they will bring you down with them. 

Give more than you receive

I derive intrinsic fulfillment from helping others, which is why I have donated a lot of time to giving back to my community. Seeing others be positively effected by things that I am passionate about is extremely heart-warming and rewarding. Don’t just do something for the sake of saying you have done it, but rather, do it because you are genuinely excited by it. Taking all this in, you will be sure to achieve greater self-satisfaction in the long run.


Make low-involvement impulse purchases and proceed with your spur of the moment decisions from time to time. This is how I keep my life interesting and ensures I am not living with grave regret. It also keeps life fun because you have little to no expectations. More times than not, you walk away pleasantly surprised.

On a Macro level, follow your gut, step outside your comfort zone, push your boundaries, and explore new limits!


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Coach chooses Snooki!

I was just browsing through some of my classmates blogs when I came upon Crystals piece called “Playing Dirty” about designer labels giving Snooki free handbags.  This notion would be flattering to most; however, these companies such as Coach are not supplying her with THEIR handbags, they are giving away the competitors product!! As Crystal said, this is a genius marketing scheme.  The idea behind this strategy is to devalue the competitor’s brand through a celebrity that has a bad rep and is viewed as trashy in the public eye.  It is also a good precautionary measure to prevent Snooki from damaging their brand.  In a perfect situation, Coach will get the attention of the classy, upper-class demographic that were once loyal to Gucci but value the brand no longer. In my opinion, this is a ruthless marketing tactic but is totally fare game.  It is an example that proves how marketing strategists are constantly coming up with innovative ideas that work!  Can’t wait to see more creativity!

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Dove’s Mission to Eliminate Beauty Stereotyping

Thanks to The Urban Stranger, my good friend Berkley Loh’s blog, I uncovered an old great Dove commerical that I believe is deserving to write about.  I remember seeing the Real Beauty Campaign for the first time in my early years of high school and it really stuck with me to the point I was “youtubing” it and showing all my friends.  I was so attracted to this ad because it was so thought provoking and this was the first time that any company highlighted the artificial representation of what the public perceives beauty to be.  All our idealistic depictions are simply of photoshopped women that look no different from you and me in the real world.

I conquer with Berkeley that this is one of my favourite commercials ever made.  It was the big push in Dove’s launch of their Real Beauty campaign and sends a very powerful message that there is really know such thing as perfection.  Ironically, It targets the same segment (young adult to middle aged North American women) as other cosmetic companies, but obviously, their approach is uniquely defined.  Their campaign is so powerful because it attracts more than 95% of the female population that believes they are not their own idea of perfect. Their goal is to provide an ad that doesn’t advertise the false images of beauty stereotypes, but rather, to embrace the beauty around us and in each and every individual.

Check out this Dove Onslaught advertisement (below) that is an expansion of their Real Beauty campaign called the Dove self-esteem fund which is a creation of their newly established confidence-building program.  This is a great example of Dove engaging in cause marketing where they reach for a halo effect by aligning themselves with their social cause.

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Genericized Trademark

Band-Aid, Chapstick, Kleenex, Q-tip, Vaseline, and Wite-out, are a few examples of companies that possess marketing brilliance and genius business strategy.

What do these companies all have in common you ask?

They have the strongest brand identity out there; as a result, they are the market leaders in their respective industries.  Their brand name is synonymous with a general class of product or service and has a loss of secondary meaning.  These brand names are known as genericized trademarks, and consumer’s that purchase products such as adhesive bandages, lip balm, facial tissues, petroleum jelly or correction fluid would more than likely be referring to these products by their colloquial name.

Below are some more examples of genericized trademark (AKA generic trademark, proprietary eponym):
Frisbee –> flying disk
Jacuzzi –> whirlpool bath/ hot tub
JELL-O –> gelatin dessert/jelly
Ping-Pong –> table tennis
Polaroid –> instant film
Popsicle –> ice pop/ ice lolly
Post-it –> sticky notes
Rollerblade –> inline skate
Velcro –> Hook-and-loop fastener
Windex –> hard surface cleaner

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Freshslice Pizza Caters to Consumer’s Preference & Convenience

It is not by accident that Freshslice is every Vancouverites favourite pizza place.  Brilliantly, the founder, Ray Russel, took advantage of opportunities in the pizza business that others had missed.

Firstly, Mr. Russel introduced the promotion of 8 slices of different kinds of pizza for just $10.  This flexible option caters to people with vast preferences.  For instance, a family of 4 could order delivery for dinner one night.  Each member may have different tastes than the other.  To eliminate the INCONVENIENCE of ordering additional pies, Freshslice can offer a single pie with a slice catered to everyones preference. This random example proves that it can satisfy the needs of many hungry people.  This promotion is perfect for me because I am indifferent to most types of Pizza and want an abundance of different flavour!

On top of their flexibility in their service, they market themselves as providing a healthy product.  They have taken advantage of the fact that today’s consumer demand a healthy lifestyle.  Freshslice satisfies this fact by promoting their multigrain dough and fresh toppings.  Furthermore, at every Freshslice location, they provide their clients with a nutritional comparison chart & CANTEST analytical results for their different kinds of pizza.

The company concentrates on creating outstanding consumer value by keeping them aware and by satisfying their different needs.  These specializations and promotions are unique to Freshslice which is why these qualities are deemed to be their competitive advantage.

Freshslice has been around for a little more than a decade and has grown to over 40 locations in BC while also expanding in Toronto.  It is hard for new companies to enter a mature industry; however, Freshslice has overcome this feat, and is now competing with the industry leaders such as, Pizza Pizza and Dominos.  Additionally, when a new location opens they hit the public with massive savings such as $10 for an XL Pizza.  In some cases they offer a period during the day where they hand out free slices with a can of pop.  A deal like this will attract new consumers and their competitive advantage (as explained above) will help keep their loyal clients.

Freshslice has impressed me with their service, quality of pizza (while being healthier that the other competing pizzareias), and their great deals.  I just discovered it this year but I foresee myself going there over other places in the future! Its Delish!

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The Math Guru Spreading Peace, Love, and Pi all over these city streets.

I met Ms. V mid way though my grade 10 math class as she was the new student teacher.  I was struggling with the curriculum and her unique way of teaching made me excel in the class while also making it enjoyable! I remember specifically her way of helping us remember the “quadratic formula”- she called it the “Quadrinator” – and even made up a song that allowed me and my peers to remember the long complicated formula.  This is one of the many ways V makes math fun and relatable.  She helped me with math for the rest of my high school career and I attribute my success in achieving high grades because of her unique way of teaching adolescence, specifically teenage girls.  I still keep in touch with Vanessa.  She is not only my friend but a role model in business with an outstanding brand attached to her name.

Back then, she was the Math Doctor, and since, she has altered her brand identity and is now The Math Guru. Her ultimate goal is to share her passion for math and utilize her skill in teaching “to make math as cool as Lululemon.”  Her vision is to create a ‘brand’ of math that appeals to teens and to shake the already imposed stereotype that math is for geeks.

The Math Guru started with the philosophy – now slogan – “Peace. Love. Pi.”  Peace. Love. Pi. is every little thing that she does.  She made me a bracelet with charms that had a peace sign, a heart, and the “pi” symbol (π).  Her greeting cards had Peace. Love. Pi stamped on it.  And around Christmas time, she gave me a Peace. Love. Pi ornament to hang up on the tree (which I did).  She even carved the saying into a freakin pumpkin on Halloween!  Peace & Love is something that never really goes out of style and companies like Forever 21, H&M, and legends like Bob Marley and Dylan embrace this philosophy.  Brilliantly, V used this lifestyle and claimed it her own by adding “Pi” into the equation.  I call her a dork because of it; however, it is Genius! Her hippie side really sparks the interest of young teen girls and they have clutched the image she was emulating by wearing her bracelets and using her personally styled and branded math notes.  As she was touting this slogan around Toronto she knew she needed some type of logo to accompany it.  When The Math Guru was born, she realized she needed a logo that would match perfectly. An attractive female in a yoga pose emanating math became the perfect logo (see below).

To reach her target market (teenage females) she crafted her online presence on Facebook, twitter, blackberry messenger, you name it.  Her logo and slogan goes wherever she goes and that is where the kids are.  This is why she has incredibly successful and her has attracted a loyal cliental (almost like a fan club)!  If you take a look at the major tutoring centres they focus entirely on the functional attributes of their product: their tutoring services.  Obviouly that is the first most important thing; however, educators underestimate the importance of braning and its effect on the consumer. Research suggests that consumption decisions are rarely based on the functionality and that other factors play a role as well – brand identity being a huge one!  Her distinct competitive advantage over the big guys is she has PERSONALITY.

Check out her page on facebook…

Her future plan is to brand clothing, calculators, school supplies, tea mugs, start a magazine line all in hope to make the “non math people” into math fanatics.  Implementing all these dreams and initiatives is the most challenging part of the process and it will take time but there is NO doubt in my mind that she will blow up, and blow up fast!

I will end with a quote that she said about what she believes a brand is:

A good product, of course, is the cornerstone of any good business. But I would argue, that a good, strong, appealing brand is just as – if not more – imperative. People see your brand before they experience your product. As the old adage goes – you never get a second chance to make a first impression!

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Blackberry, IPhone or Android?

Yup…I went there.  I am going to talk a little bit about the biggest rivalry in the world of technology.  RIM and Apple are the market leaders in the smartphone world!  It is inevitable that my classmates have a Smartphone and the chances of it being a blackberry or Iphone is almost probable. About two years ago, marketing enthusiast, Duran, blooged: Iphone vs. Blackberry: Business for fun. He makes an interesting point in saying that “the blackberry is much more of a business phone and appeals to many people in high-end business, while IPhone appeals more to the entertainment side of costumers”.  I believe that this point still holds true even 2 years later, although Blackberry is presently re-imaging themselves to appeal to IPhone’s target segment.  With the new Android smartphones coming out, RIM and Apple are in for a treat.  This second entrant has the technical ability to buckle into both innovators market segment (now that they have overseen the market and capitalized on BB & Iphones weaknesses); however, they will only prove stronger than the industry leaders if they can market themselves effectively (Google should’nt have a problem doing this).  In my opinion, Blackberry and IPhone need to concentrate on their strengths.  Blackberry is strong at providing for the upscale, high-income business man/woman that wants efficiency and security.  Iphone can provide for the high-income person that is looking for convenience, is tech-savy and fun.  With the Google Android peering around the corner, there could be another winning smartphone that puts a competitive twist in the marketplace.

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Is Calvin Klein X racy commercial effective?

This was the spring 2010 Calvin Klein’s underwear campaign.  Calvin Klein X is probably the raciest commercial I have seen.  It has course language and a lot of sex appeal which is why it speaks to our pop culture.

I came across this ad on my friends facebook webpage.  She was studying it in a culture & media class (go figure), and wanted to share.  There were many comments of the video and it didn’t surprise me that they were all women.  This poses an interesting question, does this new Calvin Klein men’s underwear line target or get through to the male consumer?

I asked a couple of my guy friends (after they watched the ad) if they would consider buying CK’s new product.  A couple of them that were already loyal to Calvin’s said they would.  Others, weren’t interested and thought it was strange and concerning that the semi-naked men asked if they “want to see their *$%^.”

After talking to some men, I looked at some of the comments that this video had on YouTube.  Again, there was a consistent trend of WOMEN saying how “hot” and “sexy” they thought this commercial was.

In class we discussed how the women of the household tend to influence more of the purchasing decisions.  In my opinion, this is what Calvin Klein’s marketing strategy entails.  They are targeting females who will drool over the actors in this commercial and in turn buy Calvin Klein X for their boyfriends &/or husbands.  However, I am not convinced that CK has dismissed the prospect of targeting to the predominately male users.  Many men, are drawn to Calvin Klein X because they too want to feel and look sexy in their undergarments.  The athletes and actors presented in this commercial have perfectly sculpted figures which can inspire & attract male buyers.

Overall, I wanted to share this commercial because I find it is very unique as I have not seen anything like it before.  I also am curious to see if this ad proved to be helpful in the sales for CK’s new line.  Despite the controversy and alarm it may have on some viewers, I think this commercial is quite affective to youthful men and women.

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Vitamin Water

Vitamin Water has countless avid consumers that believe they are making healthy decisions when they indulge in this pure and original beverage.

Why do you think this is?

Purely because of the colourful, unique and cool looking bottles that read light-hearted and funny as well as clever texts on the bottle.  Vitamin water also conveys an image that it is healthy, refreshing, and uplifting… a miracle elixir that can replenish and refuel one’s body.  “Essential”, “Energy”, “Balance”, “XXX”, and “Defense” are just a few of the variety of flavours that this product offers.  Vitamin Water uses a language that empowers customers to make healthy choices.

There is no doubt this brand would not be as popular without its genius marketing strategy.  A “new bottled water” that isn’t even water at all!  The ingredients possess similar attributes to bottled juices and come close to the amount of sugar and calories that a can of pop contains.  On top of it all, many Olympians and famous athletes endorse this product.  There is no question that the public has a misunderstanding of the true health benefits.   This is simply because Vitamin Water has a strong brand identity and connotes a positive and healthy image.

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For those of you that have never heard of Groupon (short for group coupon) I am going to tell you a little about this fascinating new concept that has revolutionized the way we (as consumers), shop.

Groupon is a fun and an easy way of getting sweet deals locally.  It is a “deal-of-the day” website where local public companies propose deals that are anywhere from 50-90% off.  Each day features a new activity, service, or product at an unbeatable price in cities across the globe.  From restaurants, theatres, to spas, the idea behind the site is to get a certain number of people to tap into a deal for EVERYONE to earn the discount.  If enough people sign up, “the deal is on” and your Groupon is sent to you electronically.  It is as good as cash!  If they fall short of the minimum, the deal is lost.

What makes Groupon so popular and fast growing is how it is convenient and user friendly.  Each day there is ONE deal in the ONE city that you have clicked into.  There interaction is super simple.  The tone of Groupon is upbeat and young.  It eliminates the bore of a simple clip out of a flyer.  The website is visually captivating and everything you need to know is right there on one page.  Groupon creates a sense of urgency among consumers.  People are sharing these rates and discounts with their friends in order for the deal to activate.

Last holiday season they introduced gift certificates for friends.  The recipients of the gift certificates can put $X amount towards any future Groupon.

Groupon effectively satisfies all parties involved.  They ensure companies that are featured get customers… LOTS of them.  Customers are ALWAYS satisfied when they get MORE than their monies worth.  And Groupon wins by charging business owners a small cut of each sale.

This is a valuable marketing tool for small companies that need more customers to stay alive.  One local company (a day) gets millions of eyes on them for 24 hours and the best part about it is they are ENSURED a ton of business/new customers in the near future.

Groupon is genius!  I have been a subscriber for only two months and I have already earned two great discounts.  There is no catch, click here to subscribe today!

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