Nike – The Greek Goddess of Victory – Achieves Victory With Their Ads

I’m a huge fan of Nike.  They supply quality products whereby athletes feel fashionable and comfortable wearing their gear.  I think their marketing is out of this world good and is probably the reason why Nike is a premium-brand.  First of all, Nikes advertisements were flooding the television sets globally during the World’s most crazed and most watched event, The World Cup.  What great exposure for any company!  But on top of it all they had such a creative (yet effective) way of pulling their commercials together.  Take for instance this one commercial…

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Nike uses testimonial appeal by exposing the biggest names in international Football.  Drogba, Ronaldo, Rooney, just to name a few, are role models and icons to many avid football fans and funnily enough they are wearing new kick ass Nike shoes.  This commercial tells a series of stories, stories that are intertwined and affected by all the World’s people.  By doing this, Nike has made their product attractive to multiple races, nationalities, and different ages.  The situations in the stories are funny like the clip where Wayne Rooney becomes England’s hero and all the newborn babies are tagged as “Wayne” or Ronaldo’s appearance on the Simpson.

Each frame is fast paced and visually captivating, exciting, and engaging.  Nike even exposes YouTube, which is a dominating media site all across the world.  Who knew Kobe Bryant had quick soccer feet?  According to this commercial, Kobe can score a three pointer on the basketball court while also displaying some cool “step over soccer moves”…CLEARLY this is do to his Nike kicks.

Finally, I wanted to touch on the cleverness of Nike’s new slogan “Write the Future”.  This commercial says it all.  It demonstrates how one move or opportunity can make you or break you as we saw with the success or on the flipside, failure that came so quickly to some of the top athletes.  Write the future is a perfect slogan for Nike because they are one step ahead of sports companies in their market as they are “writing their own future”.

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