Welcome to my ENGL 301 99A Blog Space!


ENGL 301 99A is an online technical communications course offered by UBC. This course guides students into writing in business and professional contexts by asking students to discuss and practice writing abstracts, proposals, applications, reports, correspondence and online communications: emails, texts, Web Folio and professional networking.

Despite being an online course, ENGL 301 requires students to work not only independently but also collaboratively with other students in the course, and with my instructor to peer review as well as engage in the different materials as offered by the course.

The course is split into four main units:

  1. Familiarize the principles and practices of the course
  2. Learn to design a report proposal
  3. Learn to create a report outline and build a resume
  4. Draft a formal report and develop network strategies

To complete all four units of materials, students will require the Technical Communication, 14th edition textbook by John M. Lannon and Laura J. Gurak. Additionally, students are to regularly visit the instructor’s weekly blog and engage in peer reviews, the class group’s Facebook group, and the writing team discussion forum.


By the end of this course, I hope to be able to write in a much more professional manner, able to communicate and articulate formally in more serious settings. Seeing that the course is also time-sensitive, asking students to participate and upload frequently, I hope to become a more disciplined and well-managed student who can deliver timely.

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