Reflection – Unit Two

Overall, in unit two, we have dived into a lot more professional content writing which I found very interesting. Prior to this unit, I already established a LinkedIn account but was lacking a lot of details that I had only learned to complete after Unit 2.1. In addition to conducting my own research on the best practices for a LinkedIn profile, with Phoebe’s peer review of my LinkedIn profile I was able to improve the presentation of my page. Now I can say I am much more confident with job searching and being found by recruiters on the site.

The process of brainstorming and preparing for my report proposal was a fun one. I knew what I wanted to investigate in from the start, considering it was a question that I had since joining the company, but this assignment gave me a legitimate reason to look into it professionally. I’m very excited to follow the guidelines and process to learn more about my investigation. Though, my only concern would be the investment in time and how much energy I will have to dedicate into data collection. Hopefully with the creation of a schedule and timeline, everything will come together nicely. Additionally, I believe booking an interview time with my interviewees a week in advance would be beneficial to both parties.

Similar to what I have mentioned in my unit one reflection, I find the peer review process to be extremely helpful. It is not only a way for peers to double-check each other’s works, but it is a way for me to learn new ideas and refresh my thinking. I greatly appreciate my peers for pointing out details or mistakes that often go unnoticed by me. I also find Dr.Paterson’s comments to be very helpful as it points out what I need to improve on. I often find my work to be much more refined upon taking the suggestions as mentioned in Dr.Paterson’s comments. All in all, I look forward to reading more of my peer’s works and reviews as it often provides me with new perspectives on the same assignment.

My Revised Report Proposal: 301 – Jessica Lee – Assignment 2.1 Research Proposal

Hyperlink to Nicholas Jang’s peer review of my proposal:

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