
As we finish this course, I reflect on what I have learned and built throughout the term.

Being a technical writing course, evidently, the strongest focus was morphing our writing into a much more professional tone which I felt I have accomplished. Prior to joining this course, I used flattery language throughout my writing both at school and at work. Though, having learnt how to minimize the use of imperative verbs and how to write in YOU attitude, I now write concisely and efficiently. It is a great advantage at the workspace as these skills make the emails shorter and increase readability for my colleagues.

What was difficult, however, was time management. Not only am I on the other side of the world from the official course’ time zone, but ENGL 301 99A is also a web-oriented course which asks students to be disciplined and knows how to manage time. Having to balance my internship and school was difficult so I would always plan at least two weeks ahead and make sure I am working on my assignments bit by bit. Instead of waiting until the last minute to submit the work, I would always submit as early as possible so I wouldn’t have to worry about the submission deadline.

In general, this course really bettered my professional writing style and my time management skills. I hope these skills will stick by me and I look forward to adopting them in my everyday life even after this term finishes!

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