Web Folio Reflection

As the final assignment of the term, the Web Folio asks students to adopt all the skills they have learned throughout the course and practice them during the creation of their web-portfolio. The Web Folio is a website portfolio for the works we have done over the course.

I thought the web-folio would be an easy task of adding documents and writing up descriptions, in fact, a lot of logic and editing is required. Throughout the process, I’ve had to review my own work repeatedly for any excessive use of imperative words and to make sure I am writing in YOU attitude where appropriate. Self-editing has proven to be hard because sometimes it’s easy to miss your own mistakes, so I would exit and re-enter the Web Folio constantly to refresh my perspective. I also had to keep in mind who my audience was when I was designing my Web Folio so I keep the writing professional and on track.

A lot of organizing also came into play with the instructions as listed on the Unit 4.3 website. Students were asked to design a number of different pages for the works they have created throughout the course. These documents were then asked to be organized according to best works or even grouped under different categories such as a page for “Application Package” or “Social Media”.

I personally think it was fun creating a Web Folio seeing as it is the final destination of all my works created throughout the term. I also do believe it is a great way for me to build my own portfolio, should I have the need, and showcase it to businesses or companies.

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