Best Works

This page showcases and features all of my best works completed throughout the course.

Definition of Stratified Sampling

Assignment 1.3 is a practice for students to break down a relatively complex term into three kinds of definitions: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition. Through the use of these three definitions, audiences with little to no prior knowledge of a particular subject should be able to gain a better understanding towards the particular term and area of knowledge.

301 – Jessica Lee – Assignment 1.3 Definition Assignment

Formal Report Research Proposal

Assignment 2.1 asks students to brainstorm an idea for an investigative report which we are to research and write about for this course. After giving the idea some thoughts, a research proposal must be drafted before the instructor approves of the research idea so it can be written in a formal report. Below is a download link to my research proposal.

301 – Jessica Lee – Assignment 2.1 Formal Report Research Proposal

Complaint Letter and Response Letter

In an effort to learn and adopt the YOU attitude in formal and professional writings, students were given a scenario to write a complaint as well as a response letter. In my case, I wrote my complaint and response letter regarding an online order issue which I’ve recently encountered. You may read about the letters from the below link.

301 – Jessica Lee – Assignment 3.1 Business Letters

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