Bio Page

Hello! My name is Jessica Lee and I am a third-year student at UBC in the Faculty of Arts, majoring in Sociology. I actually only just declared my major this past summer so am very excited to explore the realms of sociology.

During my first and second-year, I was an undeclared major who tried out all the different kinds of courses the university has to offer. The courses I tried ranged from Economics, Maths, German, to Visual Arts, English Literature, and Creative Writing. Although it took me a while to set my mind on a specific major, I’m glad I settled on Sociology which I believe is a major that will allow me to explore a wide range of ideas and topics.

Outside of class, I’m actually a passionate marketer who enjoys hosting events, communicate stories, and connecting people. In school, I was the coordinator of communications for UBC PINK in 2019 – 2020 and that position exposed me to a lot of events and social media communications. Whereas my internship at NIKE in the summer of 2018 and 2019 has led me to learn more about the formal ways of communications within professional settings.

Unfortunately, I am currently still trapped abroad in Asia and will not return to Vancouver anytime soon due to COVID-19. Being in Asia, though, has opened me many doors including my current internship at URBN CHINA! I am very excited to continue exploring what this course has to offer as I am sure what I learn here is going to be extremely valuable and applicable in my current internship and everyday-life.

I look forward to learning with all of you and hope the conversations will always remain fruitful!

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