Diversity: Making a Statement

Within the corporate ladder of the well known bank, Royal Bank of Canada, lies a diverse team of executives and directors. The company has recently been awarded the Catalyst Award, a distinction given by the non-profit organization to honour ‘innovative organizational approaches with proven, measurable results’.rbc-student-bankingThe step into the multicultural organizational structure is something that business around the world  are slow to step into. RBC sees this as a major step forward, as Gord Nixon, the CEO of RBC describes as ” diversity through two different lenses. From ethical perspective, it’s the right thing to do, but it also represents incredible business potential. To ignore the value offered by this huge part of Canada’s workforce and potential client bas is a missed business opportunity.” This reflects upon the changing landscape of multiculturalism and co-existance in Canada and the rest of the world. This in turn will help create a unique organizational culture for RBC and it will distinguish themselves from other companies. The diversity is a strength that RBC prides themselves on having and they promote it through the organization from the very top of the ladder to the bottom. Their business decisions are based upon these values and it will pave the road for success in the future. This change in organizational structure and culture should be adapted for many other large companies as the cultural landscape of our world changes too.

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