What is my mark on this planet? Exploring my Carbon footprint

After completing a set of questions, my carbon footprint was calculated at 4.739 tonnes of CO2 per year. This number was somewhat intriguing to me. The sheer amount of CO2 that can be produced by a single human being is surprising as extrapolating this number presents a gargantuaian amount of CO2 that is emitted by the entire world.

The questions are very thought provoking as they questioned a multitude of house hold energy usage and saving techniques. Some of the energy saving methods I have never thought about such as windproofing windows and wrapping thermal blankets around water heaters. These types of activities were always taken for granted and I’m sure a vast majority of the population also does not go out of their way to do it. It made me really think about what I can do in the future to become even more eco-friendly and how if everyone was aware how it may really change the planet.

My immediate plan is to change my diet by adjusting to one that is more focused on local fresh foods as opposed to foods that are processed and transported long distances.

Just filling out the questionnaire and learning about your carbon footprint is the right direction for millions of people around the world. Just as it has allowed me to think about my impact on the planet and re-evaluate how I can change, it should do the same for others. So take the first step, go to the link below and try it out for yourself!

My Carbon footprint Breakdown

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