Volcanic Eruption! Cash to ashes

With the mega explosion of the Icelandic volcanoes, the giant plume of ash and volcanic dust is creating a headache for commuters worldwide. The name of the volcano Eyjafjallajökull, is just about as unique as the problem itself. The ash cloud is preventing flights from going in or out of the majority of Europe. As many as 81,000 flights have been cancelled since April 14th when the volcano erupted. This huge number is very costly to the already weak aviation industry. According to experts, it is costing the industry $300 Million a day for the cancelations.

The massive ash cloud making its way over Europe, preventing millions of commuters from reaching their destinations

The massive ash cloud making its way over Europe, preventing millions of commuters from reaching their destinations

As such eruptions are difficult to predict and measure, many of the aviation companies were not well prepared for such a disaster. If some were already struggling, the cancelation has made it even worse. Companies in well off positions may have had the stability to deal with such sporadic situations, but it may be devastating to smaller ones. Currently the plan is to section the European Airspace into areas where planes are able to fly, slightly alleviating the situation at hand.

Hopefully the weather and atmospheric currents are in the favour of the aviation industry and planes start flying as soon as possible. The future of the aviation industry will soon need to prepare itself for other imminent naturual disasters such as the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull.

The mountain in Iceland erupting.

The mountain in Iceland erupting.

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