LOL. Marketing.

Ever since we were young, we’ve been bombarded with advertisements, commercials, and promotions. Some effective, and some not. This has led me to the question, what makes an advertisement appealing? This is key factor in the marketing mix and I’d thought that exploring it would be interesting.
If you think back to you last week, what were your most memorable moments? If you were with friends, it would most likely be funny incidents. If not, I guess the internet could have provided you with some funny videos etc.. Anyways, for me, the most memorable moments of my friends and first year at UBC were the FUNNY moments.. from people doing ridiculous things in class, to hilarious events that happen.
I strongly believe that humour is a GREAT way to promote a product, however, it must be done in an effective manner. Making it so funny that people wont take it seriously is a concern and should be in moderation. As said before, if done correctly, people will generally REMEMBER the promotion and spread the word of the humor. People (especially older people)  love sending links and videos to their friends and family – my parents for some reason tend to send me videos they find ‘funny‘ ALL the time.
However, why won’t all products do this? Well, I see it that only specific products can be promoted in this way. For example, inserting humour in a life insurance product may be difficult or ineffective.

I’ve taken the liberty to search the internet for various ads that I’ve found amusing and funny. Take a look, and enjoy them as I did!
(Going along with the trends of effective promotional techniques, another BIG one is sex. The bottom line is sex sells, however, I don’t think me posting ‘good’ examples of it would be verrry appropriate. Maybe next time, or try another website/blog)

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