Developing the Optimal Business Card

As my business education continues the networking sessions, meet & greets, conferences, and events have been increasing steadily. The need for a convenient ‘billboard’ to advertise myself is becoming dire. Going back to the ‘Marketing YOU’ blog post earlier, being remembered by potential employers is basic to getting any job. It doesn’t matter how amazing you are, what accomplishments you have, or what impression you have made, if they don’t have contact details and vital information on you. However, I’ve been thinking of exactly what makes a good business card?
Would it be the FONT?       The colours?          The simplicity?       The aesthetics?     The Texture?      The information?

What would be a good combination of all of these… I’ve seen many business cards in my life time, some more intriguing and creative than others. But that being said, where should the line be drawn to maintain a professional image?
The Sauder School of Business offers a business card service to their students; they can have whatever text they want, but when it comes to looks, it all looks the same as any other student. I think that being able to differentiate yourself even in such a basic way as business cards would be advantageous. When a a recruiter reaches in their pockets, and pulls out 50 identical looking business cards, it becomes hard to attach faces to these names, where as when you have one that stand out it becomes easier.

I think that creativity, appealing colours, combined with concise and informative text would be a winning formula. You would want high quality cards that match your own ‘brand’ image. It’s all about how effective this ‘billboard’ will be. What image will the person holding it get? However, be sure not to over due it, as said previously, maintain professionalism and far too outlandish cards will create a negative image. Simplicity is key too.


I think it’s time to hit up photoshop and get crackin’ on customized, specially designed, Jordon Card.

If you want to create some Sauder ones: click here

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