Marketing Revolution

Marketing has evolved dramatically over time.. What once started out as simple print ads or people standing on streets waving signs has turned into taking advantage of social networking websites and the interent to get messages across.
As we all know, the internet has brought upon significant change in the way firms advertise their products, mainly in the form of spam, e-mails, side banners, and pop-ups. But what is really game changing is the way firms are marketing. A prominent example in today’s market would be the classic chip brand, Doritos.
This brand has undergone significant change, their logo has developed into a ‘hip and modern’ image.

If you look further into their website and promotions, you see little of the classical Doritos that many of us grew up with (with the exception of the taste).
The marketers at Doritos have come up with ‘Snackstrong’ Check it out here. It is quite stunning, the promotional techniques employed here, no longer is Doritos just a snack.. It is portrayed as something much more epic. On the website it is actually somewhat difficult to find anything about the specific product, rather you find a vast amount of promotional videos. By watching the videos on the website, it becomes apparent they are specifically targeting the university/young adult segments. Their use of humour in their ads has been attracting attention, their videos gaining instant popularity on Youtube with over 51 million views in total.

YouTube Preview Image

Doritos even went further in terms of marketing. They have recently changed their packing, and extended their product lines. They have expanded their product categories to include Tacos, Cheeseburgers, and Jalapeno.   The product displayed to the below has taken on a bold and clean look. Perhaps the lack of information and details makes it appealing to curious consumers.

Overall I think Doritos is revolutionary in their Marketing, they are changing the face of snacks and showing how it could be fun and entertaining for the masses.

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