Internet, you confuse me.

The internet itself has become entity, seemingly with its own mind and trends. The ever changing face of the internet followed alongside the technological development over the years, but the primordial concept of viral videos and images still dominate the web. I was exploring other marketing blogs when I stumbled upon “The Marketing Blog” and found an interesting article regarding viral videos. We all see these viral videos on Youtube, and we all know of the potential for marketers/companies wishing to promote their products. But recently, a new form of viral ‘material’ has emerged on the internet: ‘Internet memes’.
You may be asking what a ‘meme’ is, the definition on the web, ‘an idea that propagates thru the web’, just doesn’t capture the essence of it. Images like this one, may seem random and confusing to the inexperienced web surfer, but is an image that has been propagated through hundreds of blogs and websites and gained ‘viral’ status.
There are hundreds on images similar to this one, often making no sense at all, but are very common and viewed by millions.
Connecting internet memes back to marketing… these popular images/trends have immense potential for companies. With such high views/popularity, products and companies can gain immediate popularity. However, it must be noted that predicting memes or gaining attention for products is a very challenging task. It is almost impossible to predict trends or effectively integrate marketing in the internet memes.
In addition, there is the risk of having a ‘negative’ meme rather than a positive one and may be detrimental to the company.

That being said, I do believe that internet memes may be the direction of interent marketers, developing effective techniques to create viral advertisements has incredible potential for companies.

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