Category Archives: Uncategorized

McDonald’s New branding strategy

Mcdonald’s, the iconic fast food, hamburger dealing, obese children-producing restaurant is undergoing a change. Most people regard this fast food chain as a place to have a quick snack or meal, or a place to ensure their children are happy. … Continue reading

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Volcanic Eruption! Cash to ashes

With the mega explosion of the Icelandic volcanoes, the giant plume of ash and volcanic dust is creating a headache for commuters worldwide. The name of the volcano Eyjafjallajökull, is just about as unique as the problem itself. The ash … Continue reading

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What is my mark on this planet? Exploring my Carbon footprint

After completing a set of questions, my carbon footprint was calculated at 4.739 tonnes of CO2 per year. This number was somewhat intriguing to me. The sheer amount of CO2 that can be produced by a single human being is … Continue reading

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Diversity: Making a Statement

Within the corporate ladder of the well known bank, Royal Bank of Canada, lies a diverse team of executives and directors. The company has recently been awarded the Catalyst Award, a distinction given by the non-profit organization to honour ‘innovative … Continue reading

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Marketing Giants

Google is planning once again to capture another market and earn billions of dollars. This time, the target is online website advertisements, which may even grow to a $10 billion market this year. Surprisingly, Google only attributes 4% of its … Continue reading

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Business Ethics: What are the consequences?

Earl Jones, a financier in Montreal has a first hand account of what the possible consequences of a breach of business ethics may entail. Judge Helen Morin recently sentenced Jones to 11 years in prison for his involvement in a … Continue reading

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As one of the most prominent motor vehicle manufacturers, Toyota’s reputation has been tested as they continue to recall 437,000 2010 Prius hybrid models. The recalls are a result of problems to do with the braking system and the gas … Continue reading

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Zara’s Fashion Statement

The Spanish fashion company, Zara, has been immensely successful in expanding and outdoing their competitors. They are renown for their creative and efficient supply chain that allows them to ship out new trends of fashion in 2-3 weeks compared to … Continue reading

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Business Ethics: Made in China?

This recent article titled ” Why ‘Made in China’ is a Mark of Shame” by Paul Midler focuses on the ethical issues of goods that are produced in China. Everyone has witnessed some form of this whether it is your … Continue reading

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