Well, it has been on interesting term with the new pilot course COMM 101. This experimental course introduced for the Spring term of 2010 has been quite the ride. I still remember the day when the registration opened early in the morning. Initially there were only 60 spots, all of which were filled within 30 seconds. Luckily I earned myself a spot and eventually the class was opened up to a larger crowd of 90 students.
As you look around the class, you see not the average student, these students were the ones who really wanted to achieve and learn more. This was just the class for them. With highly interactive classes complemented with the use of technology, the course played out to be really fast paced. Every class we learned something new, a new concept, or a new tool to place in our business suitcases.
You would think that having no midterms or finals was a saving grace? Well the professors and program planners effectively dealt with any questions of whether you’d have a lot of free time not working on the course itself. They supplemented the learning materials with a large amount of assignments, mini-cases, and group projects to help you apply your knowledge.
So, if you are a first year planning to take this course, (not sure whether it will be mandatory for you), I hope that my description will give you a better idea of what to expect. Take the course with an open mind, learn from the knowledgeable faculty, and prepare to build yourself a solid foundation for the rest of your degree.