Blog #1 – Chicken? McNuggets!

When you walk into McDonalds and purchase a pack of Chicken McNuggets, you would think that you are receiving a piece of pure fried chicken because McDonalds advertise on TV saying that they are made with “100% white meat chicken breast”. However, according to scientific research they prove McDonalds wrong. Not to say that McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets contains 0% chicken meant but in fact they add plenty of other ingredients to fill up the nugget, your stomach, and their pockets. This isn’t only a problem mainly on the ingredients of how McDonald process their chicken but rather how they false advertise their product which could potentially lead to serious health concerns such as, digestive and kidney function problems.

As a kid, i was a rather picky eater because all my friends would be eating burgers but all i could eat was Chicken Nuggets. Up until recent years, I have been managing my diet more carefully and read stunning articles on what was exactly in a nugget from McDonald. I always thought I was purchasing fried pieces of white chicken breast, however, “fat, bone, nerve, connective tissue, and epithelium” were present in equal or greater quantities than chicken meat. In addition some of the chicken were processed in countries with “low food safety standards”.

Mike Adams conducted an investigation at the Natural News Forensic Food Laboratory where he put Chicken McNuggets under a high-powered digital microscope to see what exactly was used to create the nugget. He soon discovered strange fibers found embedded inside the Chicken McNuggets. This included dark black hair-like structures, light blue egg-shaped structures with attached tail-like hairs or fibers, odd red colouring splotches in several locations, and spherical green objects that resembles algae. All these unexpected findings were clearly something you as a consumer didn’t think you were paying for and definitely weren’t aware of eating such ingredients processed by McDonalds.

In conclusion, from a business perspective McDonalds could be facing ethical issues of how they advertise their products to what exactly they are serving to their customers. But from a scientific perspective, it goes beyond ethics of business but rather health concerns of Chicken McNugget consumers, thus I draw the conclusion for consumers to look more closely at what you eat before you eat it and ask questions about where your food really comes from and what’s in it.

Article: Two Things You’d Rather Not Know About Chicken Nuggets