Blog #3 – Will/Can Minute Maid Expand Orange Juice Beyond It’s Original Consumers?

In recent years sales for orange juice have been declining while prices were rising due to many substitutes and competition in the juice market. Resulting, in Minute Maid’s core product, orange juice to be at risk of facing the decline stage of the product life cycle. The real question here is can Minute Maid recover its lost market share?

Coca-Cola then answers that they will start ramping up advertising to support their Minute Maid juices to bring young adults and men into the picture. Despite the atypical approach, which generally targets the primary grocery shopper (moms), Charles Torrey, VP-marketing at Minute Maid states that “consumption data shows that men and young adults are also purchasing and consuming plenty orange juice”.

Minute Maid is now branching out their target market by creating advertisements specified to men but how would the influence of male generate more sales to regain their lost? Statistics shows that the highest volume growth of where men make their purchases are at gas stations and convenient stores. At these locations men are looking for quick and easy purchases, so if juices are more accessible and purchasable, then this channel may result more male purchasers than female. In addition, these locations are typically where men make their OWN purchases without any other social or family factors affecting their buying decisions.

However, focusing on men won’t completely help recover the lost of market shares but what Minute Maid is really looking to do is to gain share by increasing consumer consumptions. Thus, there’s much more opportunities to grow the brand by increasing its demand during different time of the day other than breakfast itself. What about drinking Minute Maid after workouts as a substitute to water?

Overall, it’s a brilliant idea for Minute Maid to expand their target demographics. If they succeed in regaining their lost shares, it’s because they have found a method to keep a balance when targeting the two groups of consumers (male and female) without alienating one or the other.



Blog #2 – People buy WHY you do it, not WHAT you do

The question I asked myself over the weekend was “why people buy the things they do?”. So I was once asked “Do you think people buy TOMS Shoes for the design or because of their One-for-One initiative?”.

I would think the answer would be “Both” – Take Jill’s personal recollection of her decision-making process when it came to TOMS. She was initially attracted to the style and comfort of the product, but it was the cause that tipped the scales and ultimately drove her to purchase the shoes. The original question made me think hard though – Are there actually people who would purchase TOMS Shoes solely or largely based on simply the cause?

This brings me to the theme of this post:

“People buy WHY you do it, they don’t buy WHAT you do.”

I, for one, am not a big fan of the design of TOMS Shoes, but their buy-one-give-one shoe initiative most definitely gives me a big push towards that act of purchase. In fact, I don’t even like the shoes! But I want to help. I believe in their cause and beliefs. On one hand, I don’t identify with the actual product, but on the other, everything about TOMS Shoes feels right.

At the end of the day for me, it comes down to a basic cost-benefit analysis. Can I afford $50 to re-enforce my belief that helping people the TOMS way is right? An interesting perspective to explore, is the possibility of putting a monetary value to a firm’s set of believes, or purpose. For instance, if I value a pair of TOMS Shoes at $30 (while in reality it retails at $50+), can the firm’s purpose justify the additional $20 I’d be paying for its product?

In this competitively intensive era, brands now more than ever need to clearly communicate their philosophy, mission and purpose, as these are they key decision criteria behind a consumer’s purchase intent.

I believe Tom’s is pursing “cause marketing”, where brands and non-profits are able to spread their message in new ways through the power of social media and user-generated content. It’s true – the internet opens the door to boundless opportunities for firms to “touch” consumer lives.

Nowadays it is what you’re saying that counts not how or what you’re selling. Bringing purposeful, interesting and entertaining ideas to consumers is the new focus in order to develop stronger relationships and foster brand loyalty.