Facebook now as a Business?

I have recently found this blog website titled “Duct-Tape Marketing” created by John Jantsch who is a marketing consultant who was, “award(ed) winning social media publisher and best selling author Duct Tape Marketing and The Referral Engine”. He, “trains and licenses small business marketing consultants around the world”.

I havejust read his post on, “Facebook Changes Present Interesting Business Dilemma“, I actually found Jantsch’s article on another blog called, “Blog Lovin’“. I found his post rather interesting because he discussed about the usage of Facebook. How there is now “public” and “personal” profiles. In my opinion, Facebook users have increased significantly within the last year and will continue to increase, so from here I think Businesses, celebrities, authors and experts could make use of this online tool.

As there are currently Facebook celebrity fan pages, charities, and events being posted on Facebook. Perhaps in the future, there might be a potential opportunity for firms to enter this market as there are large number of “customers? (users)”.

Overall, I found the Duct Tape Marketing blog to be inspirational as he focuses his articles on marketing which is an area I am planning to specialize in. In addition, the Blog Lovin’ blog website was also interesting as it targets many different business categories and integrates other Blogs, which I recommend and is worth reading.

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