Thinking Green Using Technology

Posted by in Sustainability Marketing

So the term is coming to an end. I have to say, I sincerely enjoyed sustainability marketing. The content was rich with fascinating information that broadened my knowledge on important sustainability issues. I don’t think I’ll ever forget when Tamar first described sustainability marketing as an oxymoron, and I was completely taken off guard. In fact, that statement was probably my biggest takeaway from this course. As future business professionals, our main goal in our careers will be to sell stuff. But the more that is produced and sold, the more we negatively impact the Earth.

However, I think this will be an exciting challenge for us once we graduate and head out into the world. We will need to think harder than any CEO that has come before us to ensure that we make a profit, but do so with a product that has a cradle to cradle life cycle.

Anyway, I have one more article I would like to share on my blog for this term. Sustainly is a consultancy that is working with Atticus Digital to develop a virtual reality sustainability training package using the Oculus Rift technology. Employees at one of Europe’s energy companies will be able to understand why sustainability is so important for their business and for the planet after they step into a virtual world that puts environmental issues up close and personal.

I predict that this technology could be expanded to other areas of society as well, from governments and schools, to other environmental awareness campaigns. For instance, consider a marketing campaign where marketers ask individuals to use the Oculus Rift system. Participants would be immersed in a polluted lake, an overflowing landfill, or a deforested land space. The marketers could shoot the individuals’ reactions, and put them up on YouTube or in television ads.

This is just an idea I have, because I think humans have become too far removed from these unpleasant sights. We need to witness them firsthand in order to have the images ingrained in our thoughts so that they encourage us to make important changes in our lifestyles. Being closer to nature in general can greatly improve the chances that people will take steps to conserve it. So perhaps virtual reality technology could help with that as well by immersing people in natural places.

And that’s all she wrote! Have a good summer everyone, and keep thinking green!