

Arias-Bustamante J.R., Innes J.L. (2021) Mapuche Spirituality and Its Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation. In: Leal Filho W., Luetz J., Ayal D. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham.

Arias-Bustamante J.R. and Innes J.L. 2021. Adapting forest management to climate change: experiences of the Nisga’a people. International Forestry Review 23(1): 1-15. Open access until June 30, 2021.

Ives, J., Stang, J., Arias-Bustamante, J., Dubois, P. and Hofmann, A. 2020. Exploratory Factor Analysis of a survey on group-exam experiences and subsequent investigation of the role of group familiarity. 2020 PERC Proceedings edited by Wolf, Bennett, and Frank. American Association of Physics Teachers.


Arias-Bustamante, J. 2019. The Criminalization of Mapuche Land Defenders in Chile. Impakter:

Arias-Bustamante, J. 2013. Indigenous knowledge, climate change and forest management: the Nisga’a Nation approach. MSc thesis in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada. 203 p.

Arias-Bustamante, J. 2012. Working with Indigenous communities. Branchlines UBC Forestry, Vancouver. Canada. 23 (3): 15-16.

Arias, J. & Gálvez, J. 2010. Typification of certified wood producers, from the communes of Mariquina, Corral and Valdivia, Los Rios Region. ChileNative Forest; Num. 46. P. 3-11

Arias, J. 2009. Associative networks proposal for small forest landholders producing certified firewood, from the communes of Mariquina, Corral and Valdivia, Los Rios Region. Chile. Faculty of Forestry, University of Chile. Santiago, Chile. 61 p.

Bannister, J.; Carcamo, P.; Medel, I. & Arias, J. 2009. Characterization of Water Sources of Three Rural Community Drafts, Province of Valdivia. ChileNative Forest; Num.44. P.  9