The Web-folio is the culmination of various projects over the term. The task was to create a website that showcased our progress over the term, and to gear the language for a target audience. My Web-folio includes a home page, bio page, blog page, LinkedIn page, resume page, application package page, and a page that has a few examples of my best work.
Creating my Web-folio was more tedious than I imagined it would be. I originally thought that the hardest part about the Web-folio would be deciding on the layout and preparing the website. I originally wanted to use a website called Squarespace to host my Web-folio because I liked the default layouts, though I ended up having issues registering for a free trial. I ended up hosting my website on UBC Blogs, since I already had experience with the platform. Since I had been using the platform all term, I felt quite comfortable creating a website from scratch. I really enjoyed making the layout for the website since it gave me an opportunity to be creative.
I thought that since I had already completed all of the content of the assignments that all I would have to do is put it all together. I found the hardest part of creating the Web-folio to be revising all of my assignments throughout the term to prepare them for the portfolio. I went back through all of the feedback that I got on my assignments and tried to incorporate the feedback into my works as best I could.
Even though creating the Web-folio was more tedious than expected, I really enjoyed the process of making the website and found it really helpful to reflect my progress throughout the term.