The following writing samples are a collection of assignments from my ENGL 301 class. Each assignment focused on various aspects of the course, showcasing different abilities.
1) Revised Definition Assignment
One of the first assignments throughout the term examined how different audiences can create the need for definitions of terms. In this assignment, I defined the term ‘Cache Memory” in varying levels of detail for readers without a computer science background. I gave a parenthetical definition, sentence definition and an expanded definition with a figure and history of the term. This assignment was a great introduction to thinking about the audience when writing.
Download Revised Definitions Assignment
2) Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment
Once I completed the first version of my Definition Assignment, I had the opportunity to peer review Jenny Zhu’s assignment. This review was my first opportunity in the course to review another student’s work, and compare it to my own. Reading Jenny’s work helped me to realize where my own assignment could improve, and to see what elements of the assignment were important to the reader. This assignment was a great introduction to the peer review process that I worked on all term.
Download Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment
3) Revised Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys
The formal report was one of the main projects throughout the term. This project aimed to help students practice professional writing by suggesting improvements to an organization that they were familiar with. The project began with a proposal on the chosen topic, and then a progress report a few weeks later on how information will be collected for the report. My report included a survey posted online and interviews with members of my chosen organization. The project proposal, progress report, survey questions and interview questions are all posted below.
Download Revised Formal Report Proposal
Download Revised Formal Report Progress Report
Download Formal Report Interview Questions
Download Formal Report Survey Questions
4) Revised Complaint letter and Response letter
An important aspect of professional writing is knowing how to give someone bad news. One of my assignments throughout the term was to write a complaint letter to someone and then write a response letter back with bad news. This exercise was helpful to understand what to emphasize when giving someone news that they may not want to hear, which can happen often in the professional world.
Download Revised Complaint Letter
Download Revised Response Letter
5) Revised Peer Review of Application Package
Peer reviewing has been a large part of ENGL 301, as most assignments were reviewed by other members of the class. The application package was a project where we prepared to apply for a job or program that we were interested in. This included writing a cover letter, resume, and letters requesting references. Once I completed my application package, I peer reviewed Amy Vergouwen’s application. I focused on helping her application to be the best that it could be by suggesting many ways for her to improve and highlighting areas of strength. My peer review of her work is posted below.
Download Revised Peer Review of Application Package
6) Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report
The formal report was the largest project completed throughout the term. The report was 12-15 pages and included many components such as letter of transmittal, table of contents, abstract, introduction, data with figures, and conclusion. Due to the size of project, it was important to have it reviewed by another student to help edit and make sure that it includes all of the required components. I had the opportunity to peer review Jenny Zhu’s formal report. I made comments about every section, and then commented generally on grammar and the overall report. My peer review of Jenny’s work is below.