Intellectual production #2 – revised

Digital Games & Learning: Reviews of Research

Original submission: Intellection production #2

Checa, D., & Bustillo, A. (2020). A review of immersive virtual reality serious games to enhance learning and training. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(9-10), 5501-5527.

Summary: Through this literature review, authors Checa and Bustillo (2020) sought to identify the standards of virtual reality and serious games (VR-SGs) in learning and training. The authors noted that previous reviews focused on either learning or training, and with their broader review they would examine how VR-SGs can be used in both areas to enhance knowledge acquisition and skill development.

Overall, the authors found that using VR-SGs for learning and training were more effective than using traditional methods. VR-SGs are more practical and learner-centered, whereas traditional methods are typically more abstract and controlled by the teacher.

However, due to limitations of available studies, further study is needed to fully understand the effectiveness of VR-SGs in learning and training, such as whether they are more effective in enhancing learning or training, what designs are effective in which contexts, and how VR-SGs can support learning experiences as a whole.

Research methods: The analysis was mixed methods, using quantitative data to summarize distributions of the factors and qualitative data for user satisfaction. Studies were identified through two databases plus VR industry sources. Of the 11,183 articles identified, those that did not fit their aim and criteria were filtered out, resulting in 135 articles analyzed for this review.

Critical evaluation: While the review provided a good summary, more details are needed to support its findings. The database search did not include alternate keywords such as “immersive” and “development”; alternative keywords could have resulted in additional studies that altered the findings. No information was provided on design; an analysis on the designs, perhaps using Fullerton’s (2019) concepts of game structures and elements, would have provided context on effectiveness. The article also did not detail the approach to interpreting the studies, such as coding protocols to analyze user satisfaction; this information could have strengthened the authors’ arguments.

Powers, F. E., & Moore, R. L. (2021). When failure is an option: A scoping review of failure states in game-based learning. TechTrends, 65(4), 615-625.

Summary: Through this scoping review, authors Powers and Moore (2021) scoped available research on the use of failure states to support game-based learning, and reviewed this research to identify the benefits and drawbacks to these states. The authors noted that while there was extensive research on game-based learning as a whole, there had yet to be a focus on failure states specifically, and with their review they would examine the scope, severity, and use of failure states in game-based learning.

Overall, the authors found that an ideal risk state, where meaningful representations of failure are supported by corrected feedback, can improve engagement, learning, and retention. In addition, learner anonymity can mitigate negative perceptions of failure.

Research methods: The authors reviewed literature to determine the research questions, and identified potential articles by searching specific and related wildcard keywords in databases. Of the 985 articles identified, those that did not meet the criteria of the review were filtered out, resulting in 14 articles for this review. The analysis was primarily qualitative, with the use of two rounds of coding to identify themes.

As for limitations, the authors acknowledged that through use of a scoping review, their research criteria and search may have limited the selection of articles for this review, which may have affected their findings. Future reviews should use additional alternate keywords and search in additional databases.

Critical evaluation: While the article answered its research questions using thorough research methods, it could have been strengthened by also examining the effects of these failure states in social contexts within and outside of the games. This would have better positioned the findings in the greater context of the world, building onto Gee and Gee’s (2017) argument that learning through games is influenced by and influences the player’s experience of the world.


Checa, D., & Bustillo, A. (2020). A review of immersive virtual reality serious games to enhance learning and training. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(9-10), 5501-5527.

Gee, E., & Gee, J. P. (2017). Games as distributed teaching and learning systems. Teachers College Record, 119(11).

Fullerton, T. (2019). Game design workshop: A playcentric approach to creating innovative games. Taylor & Francis.

Powers, F. E., & Moore, R. L. (2021). When failure is an option: A scoping review of failure states in game-based learning. TechTrends, 65(4), 615-625.

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