Fort McMurray’s Oil Sands

When the town in northern Alberta, Fort McMurray, is mentioned in a conversation, it is almost certain that the image of the oil sands will come to mind as it is often referred to as the heart of Alberta’s oil production.

However, when looking at the tar sands with the topic of business ethics in mind, the heart of Alberta’s oil production does not seem too pleasing and famous Canadian singer/songwriter Neil Young agrees.

Neil Young has recently told the media that the town of Fort McMurray looks like “Hiroshima” when he visited the place. He also continued his criticism by stating that “People are dying of cancer because of this (the oil sands). All the First Nations people up there are threatened by this.”

Although Young has used the extreme imagery  of comparing the tar sands to the nuclear aftermath of Hiroshima, the ethics of the oil companies in Fort McMurray should very well be questioned. At what point is producing oil too much for the environment and the people of Fort McMurray and everyone near? Fort McMurray helps the Albertan economy and of course the wealthy oil companies abundantly but is it really worth the harm that people are going through?

Hopefully a criticism by a beloved Canadian celebrity may spark a discussion of business ethics within Fort McMurray.

Picture: Avelar, T. (Photographer). [Web Photo]. Retrieved from Young slams Keystone likens Fort McMurray Hiroshima/8895505/story.html


Babad, M. (2013, September 10). The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from The Globe and Mail:

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