More Money Twenty Years Later

An article surfaced on the Globe and Mail which stated that popular punk band Nirvana, which was disbanded in 1994 with the death of the lead singer, Kurt Cobain, will be releasing a twenty year anniversary version of the band’s last CD, In Utero, now newly mixed. The article continued to talk about Nirvana’s history and stories of In Utero’s release back in the 1990’s.

However, reading from a business point of view, what I read was a marketing technique used by DGC Records whom own the right to Nirvana’s last CD. Kurt Cobain’s grunge appeal, a big fan base, and controversy around Kurt Cobain’s death all contribute to Nirvana’s popularity and DGC Records’s marketing department is taking full advantage of that by releasing the same album with slight modifications twice. DGC Records has already released a 20th anniversary album for the band’s 2nd studio CD, Nevermind. Since Nirvana’s CD’s were such a hit back in the 90’s, there is no reason that the huge fan base of Nirvana, the collection fanatics, and also the adults who spent their teens listening to Nirvana will hesitate to buy this product.

References: Wheeler, B. (2013, October 6). The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from The Globe and Mail:

Picture: DGC. (Photographer). [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

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