Sriracha sauce is one of the staples of many Asian restaurants and increasingly other restaurants as well. Some people can’t live without it, some Vancouverites even refer to the sauce as “Vancouver Ketchup” and smother all of their food items with it.
However, looking at the operations side of the high demand Sriracha sauce, they are not doing so “hot” as the sauce itself.
Complaints have been reported of odour coming from the factory that’s located in Irwindale, approximately 20 miles east of Los Angeles. The odour has been so pungent that some residents of Irwindale has started moving away from the city and has put in a formal complaint which has halted the plant from continuing production until action is taken.
It is the job of the person managing operations to make sure that an essential part of the business, the production, does not get stopped as it just did. The operations manager should have taken into account the odour that it will produce and taken actions for it. Now the high demand sauce will see a decrease because of a simple operations error. Nothing would hurt an owner’s greed more than having high demand but low supply because of a mistake.
Huffington Post. (2013, October 29). Retrieved from Huffington Post:
Hunt, K. (n.d.). 8 awesome rooster sauce tributes to help you cope with the Sriracha-pocalypse. Retrieved from
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