A Must for New Entrepreneurs

Noobpreneur is a mix of two words. The word noob which refers to newbie or a rookie, and the word entrepreneur, a person who takes risks to set up a business for profit. Although putting the word noob or newbie with a word that consists of taking risks do not usually sound good together, this blog makes it work.

Noobpreneur is a business blog that is full of information for people who are starting off as entrepreneurs or thinking about becoming entrepreneurs while being stuck at a different job. Articles such as Small Business Ideas for Budding Entrepreneurs really show how this website is meant to walk through from step 1 of being an entrepreneur to step 100 with you by providing you with articles that are full of knowledge. The blog is also fully interactive, provided with comment section that you can thumb up or thumb down which helps the new entrepreneurs to hear from other new entrepreneurs or different perspectives on a specific topic.

One flaw I have found with this website though is that it should try to minimize its advertisements as it pops up on inconvenient places such as middle of the page when you are trying to scroll down. Other than that, this blog is a great blog for not just new entrepreneurs but every type of businessmen.

Picture: Directly from noobpreneur.com

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