Just Chugging Along

Northwest Model United Nations – Seattle

Posted by in Stuff to Do on Campus

I got to spend the past weekend at my first ever Model United Nations conference in Seattle! The above picture is our UBC’s General Assembly Plenary group. I’m sort of squished in the middle there, hehe. This conference was quite easily one of the most exhausting and rewarding thing I’d done in a long, long time. The hours were gruelling, the debates were intense, the diplomacy was draining, the headaches were serious and the satisfaction was great. Nothing is better than spending hours writing, editing and editing that one resolution…read more


Adventures in the Museum of Anthropology

Posted by in Stuff to Do on Campus

The best part about being a student at UBC (I mean, besides being able to study here) is probably the part where you get free, unlimited access to all the museums on campus. Which, to me, is the best thing ever. Seriously! Free museum access! Why is that not advertised like crazy? So, a while back (a while because I’ve been infinitely too lazy busy to actually get around to uploading the photos) I went to the Museum of Anthropology. I’d been to the cafe with my Mum before, but we didn’t have time…read more


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