Adventures in the Museum of Anthropology
The best part about being a student at UBC (I mean, besides being able to study here) is probably the part where you get free, unlimited access to all the museums on campus. Which, to me, is the best thing ever. Seriously! Free museum access! Why is that not advertised like crazy?
So, a while back (a while because I’ve been infinitely too lazy busy to actually get around to uploading the photos) I went to the Museum of Anthropology. I’d been to the cafe with my Mum before, but we didn’t have time to actually go inside to explore. It had looked really cool from the outside, so I was excited.
Holy moly, I was pretty damn impressed. I had gone with a friend at about three…three thirty in the afternoon, so it was pretty late and the museum closed at five, but if I had more time…just the one exhibit with artifacts from all around the world could have taken me a whole day. If the rows upon rows upon rows of artefacts in the glass cabinets weren’t impressive enough, there were these glass drawers that you could pull out to see even more stuff! It was insane! There were things from around the Americas, Africa, Asia…pretty much every continent (except Antarctica for obvious reasons).
You know, it’s probably easier to just let the pictures do the talking. I’ll sign off here for now, but I definitely, definitely, definitely recommend going over to the MoA whenever you’ve got time! It’s really peaceful, relaxing and super educational.
SIDENOTE: Damn it, the quality of the pictures really suffered in the process of uploading. I mean, I used my phone’s camera but it’s not that shitty!
I spent quite a while staring at these masks and the details painted on them…though they are slightly unsettling!
It’s a puzzle jug! I love these things, because they’re sole purpose was so that you could play during dinner. This one wasn’t too hard to figure out though. I suspect you tipped it into the handle, undo the knob thing there and pour it that way.
In a foyer with surprisingly comfortable felt step-seats. This carving is really nice, but the story behind it is really fascinating!
…Also massive testicles.
I am not ashamed to admit I stood there for almost ten minutes waiting for the two to cross the corner. Spoilers: They don’t.
There was a tour for teachers or something going on, and I overheard the tour guide mentioning a piece with noses, and that she recommended that they go and sniff it. She said they didn’t mention it on the plaque, so it was kind of a museum secret.
So I went and smelled each and every nose. It was glorious. I don’t know what I was smelling, but every one smelled like different perfumes and colognes!
Blatant attempt at ‘framing’ like it was discussed at the last Blog Squad meeting? Maaaaybe.
Artwork by a young First Nations girl. I stared at this for a while, got really dizzy and decided I really liked it.