Iphone 4 Problem, Recall is Inevitable

Iphone 4.


Information From: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1294884/Apple-recall-iPhone-4-signal-problems.html#ixzz28lV6nSON

As Iphone 5 has been the most popular topic to talk about lately, it reminded me of the Iphone 4 reception problem that was brought up 2 years ago. According to the news article from the link above, Apple did not handle the problem in a professional manner. The company tended to have denied the problem when it was first brought up by many new Iphone 4 users. The “Analysts say Apple has created a public relations headache for itself by appearing to dismiss or ignore the problem, allowing a minor issue to be turned into headline news.” (from www.dailymail.co.uk) During the Iphone 4 Problem Press Conference, Apple’s representative blamed the problem on how users hold the phone in a certain way and that it is unavoidable to lose receptions since this problem applies to all other phones as well.

Problems and arguments had been brought up so many times by users and magazine reviewers. This led Apple to finally take action in recalling Iphone 4; many said that “the recall is inevitable.”

From what I’ve heard and what I’ve seen, I feel that Apple didn’t handle the problem in a good manner. As opposed to Toyota’s car recall several years ago, Apple appeared to have responded unethically with their irresponsible act and their denying sounds. The company not only had to go through severe drop in the market share, they also had to go through a decline in consumers’ trust and willingness to buy. I think they should have dealt with the problem when it was first brought up by users. Such minor problem wasn’t necessarily needed to be on the news headline; it damaged the image of Apple.


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