Giving out Bonuses on a Money-Losing Year

If I were to be the Chief Executive Officer or the boss of a company, would I have given out bonuses to around 10% of the employees during the company’s recession period? My answer would be no. However, the case with the Canada Post is different. Many of us would have never expected such a company that was on a $327-million deficit in 2011 to be giving out bonuses to over seven thousand employees. Many questions have been raised.

Why is it that they are still giving out bonuses to employees during recession year? “Bonuses apparently aren’t unusual when companies perform poorly,” says Richard Powers, director of governance programs at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. (cit: yahoo news) Why isn’t it unusual? Does the bonuses apply to those who move the packages and deliver them or those who just sit around the offices?

A while back, Canada government had to legislate the Canada Post employees to stop their strike action to continue work and offer them less money. Then now, Canada Post is giving out bonuses to thousands of their employee during their down year. Is it me or does this just sound contradicting to everyone of you?

Why did Canada Post give out bonuses is my question.

Information from <;_ylt=Av1k9uETZ9lK1vOmqS4zRiKTssB_;_ylu=X3oDMTRiMms5a3BtBG1pdANGZWF0dXJlZCBCcmV3IEJsb2dzBHBrZwM3ZDlmOTU2NS01MjA2LTM5MzEtYjhjZC04MjU3OGNlN2NlNzIEcG9zAzIEc2VjA01lZGlhQkxpc3RNaXhlZExQQ0FUZW1wBHZlcgM0YWJmNzRjZC0xMTg1LTExZTItYmVkNS1iYzk5Yzk0OTM3OTE-;_ylg=X3oDMTMyYnRxZW5kBGludGwDY2EEbGFuZwNlbi1jYQRwc3RhaWQDMzhkMmMxMmEtYzFlNS0zNDU3LWFhY2EtNTMzMWFhZTA1ZGNiBHBzdGNhdANibG9nc3xkYWlseWJyZXcEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3>

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