Project reflection: MEC

My marketing group did an analysis and a recommendation for Mountain Equipment Co-op. We were told to film a video that briefly includes our analysis and recommendation. My group members generally worked really well together, however, our main problem was to match everyone’s schedule. I am the most free one in the group since I only have school. My other members have school, clubs executive meetings, work, and many more work that take away their time. Not all our schedules are perfectly compatible. We’ve had quite a few meetings that didn’t have the whole group there, which we updated the missing member(s) at the end of the meeting on our Facebook Group.

Aside from schedule compatibility, commitment has also become a problem in a group. There were members who said they are free for a certain time at a certain date, but they ended up leaving the group meeting early. Although this didn’t provide us a big problem, since we planned our meetings as if the assignment is due a week earlier, I think that it would be less time consuming for all the group members to commute out again on another day just to finish off the meeting.

Like I mentioned from the previous paragraph, my group tends to TRY our best to finish the assignment at least 1 week beforehand. We do so in case of technical errors that can occur, and also due to final edit. For our video, if we didn’t plan earlier beforehand, our video wouldn’t be as it is now (it would have been way worse).

Aside from time compatibility and commitment problems, our team worked very well together. Once we get together and update each other about recent extra-curricular activity, we immediately get into the no-procrastination-work-fast-and-precise mode. Once we get into this mode, we work non stop and discuss until we have a common decision as of what we analyzed and recommended correctly. After coming up with a decision of what to write, we separate the work and all work on our own assigned parts together during the meeting. Usually it only takes each of us 30-40 minutes to finish our part. Afterwards, one person formats everything and puts everything together. I believe my group may have flaws, but my group members are yet the best ones i’ve had so far.

RE: iPhone 5c and the “Phone Generation”

According to Teresa’s blog, Apple used unethical ways to promote their iPhone 5C. As iPhone 5C launched, I’ve been hearing negative feedbacks from my friends, on the internet, and on the media. However, Apple doesn’t seem to think so; or at least, they are trying to manipulate others into buying the iPhone 5C.

From Teresa’s blog, she mentioned “Apple was so clever to have allowed for pre-orders, having cameras ready to capture the lines of consumers waiting to get their hands on a new phone.” It is clear that Apple uses an illusion of long lineups for iPhone 5C to make people believe that the new iPhone is actually not too bad. Although it may be unethical, but is this type of advertisement fair to Apple’s main competitor, Samsung?

Many will say that it is unfair. However, Samsung has also used an unethical advertising method to defeat Apple.

I feel that the fairness between the competitors are based on the scale of ethical/unethical advertisement. Samsung’s advertisement is MORE unethical due to mocking of Apple. Apple’s advertisement is unethical is because it tried to mislead the public on how good their new product is.

Apple may be unethical in its use of manipulation, but I think that Samsung should also be responsible to Apple’s action, since Samsung’s ad is probably what triggered Apple to also use advertisement to mislead the public (Samsung’s mocking advertisement was released before Apple’s misleading advertisement).

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Re: Dove’s New Viral Ad

After reading “Dove’s New Viral Ad “Real Beauty Sketches” Hopes to Change the Way You See Yourself,” I can finally see why Dove’s new target market is so successful. As mentioned in the blog, Dove’s campaign “show[s] that loving and being happy with yourself are integral part to self-care.” Between the time period of the development of the brand (Dove) and now, the company has tried to get through with different messages. And this message is by far the most integrated one with its products.

Let’s look at the evolution of Dove’s message:

The above ad shows that Dove used to cared only about the appearance.

From the first ad to 2nd ad, we can see the change in Dove’s message. It moved on from JUST appearance to how its product will benefit the skin.

From the youtube video, Dove’s current message is  – to be real beauty, people have to change how they look at themselves.

Notice the change of message? Dove’s change of message is what made their brand so much more well known. If they were to keep their old messages, Dove will be no different from other brands, such as Secret. Dove is currently bringing out what this generation is missing, the thinking of oneself. AND THIS is what made them different from other brands. Their current messages greatly influence people, especially females; increasing the value of their product.

I totally agree with Dove and the blog writer that “[it is great] to be who you are and not mentally draining yourself to be someone you aren’t!”

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