According to Teresa’s blog, Apple used unethical ways to promote their iPhone 5C. As iPhone 5C launched, I’ve been hearing negative feedbacks from my friends, on the internet, and on the media. However, Apple doesn’t seem to think so; or at least, they are trying to manipulate others into buying the iPhone 5C.
From Teresa’s blog, she mentioned “Apple was so clever to have allowed for pre-orders, having cameras ready to capture the lines of consumers waiting to get their hands on a new phone.” It is clear that Apple uses an illusion of long lineups for iPhone 5C to make people believe that the new iPhone is actually not too bad. Although it may be unethical, but is this type of advertisement fair to Apple’s main competitor, Samsung?
Many will say that it is unfair. However, Samsung has also used an unethical advertising method to defeat Apple.
I feel that the fairness between the competitors are based on the scale of ethical/unethical advertisement. Samsung’s advertisement is MORE unethical due to mocking of Apple. Apple’s advertisement is unethical is because it tried to mislead the public on how good their new product is.
Apple may be unethical in its use of manipulation, but I think that Samsung should also be responsible to Apple’s action, since Samsung’s ad is probably what triggered Apple to also use advertisement to mislead the public (Samsung’s mocking advertisement was released before Apple’s misleading advertisement).
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