Translink Changes the Fair Price Again

Out of most of the countries that I’ve been through, Canada’s public transit costs the most to ride in. Prices of public transit fairs were once changed a few years back due to Hostage of Vancouver’s Winter Olympic. This time, they will be rising the price by 10% starting in the coming January – an adult fair will go from $2.25 for one zone to $2.75 for one zone. This percentage of increase is estimated to generate $32 million for the transportation authority.

To many of the transit users in the city, this is very unfair. Going from zone to zone is more expensive than paying for the distance travelled. For example: Going from Richmond Brighouse to Waterfront will cost the same as going from Bridgeport to Marine Drive on the Canada Line. This is what causes many of us to rather drive than take the transit.

However, problems will be solve soon, since the Compass Card will be introduced soon to citizens. With the Compass Card, many of the transit users will be more willingly to take public transit rather than driving, which may be able to increase TransLink’s long term revenue. The issues with unfair pricing will be solved when Compass Card comes in effect, providing a more fair way of payment.

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