Call Center Hires Prisoners

by Joey Tung

You never know who you might be on the phone with.

Becoming Green, a company providing sonar energy roofing panels, has admitted to the hiring of prisoners from the Prescoed minimum-security prison to work at their call centres. The Ministry of Justice has confirmed that 23 inmates are participating in the company’s effort to support the rehabilitation and resettlement of offenders. They are paid £3 a day.

The noteworthy detail in this is that since this incident, 17 of the company’s original staff have been let go. Becoming Green claims that this is a normal happening in call centre environments and that no staff member has been replaced by prisoners.

A former employee recalls when the staff of Becoming Green was informed that prisoners were going to work at the company; prisoners whose crimes ranged from murder to drug offences. Some staff members claim to have felt pressured to resign after they realized that the company had acquired capable “employees” for nearly no cost.

How ethical is it for a company to exploit the low costs of hiring prisoners? Does their assertion that hiring offenders equals a rehabilitation chance balance this issue out?

For me, this is an issue that is in need of a few guidelines.


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