
by Joey Tung

One of my favourite marketing blogs, Branding Magazine, has posted an article on Starbucks’ foray into a new business venture–trains.

And this isn’t just Starbucks deciding to be some train’s official coffee supplier or the sponsor. Oh no, Starbucks has decided it will create a new store…on rails. The new Starbucks train is completely functional and coffee-store styled train, complete with lounge bars, standing bars, and Starbucks’ array of pastries, and, of course, their coffees. So far, Switzerland is the first country to have these trains up and running.

The interior of the train will be reminiscent of the popular Starbucks stores, just re-adapted as a train.

Personally, I think this is a brilliant idea. For me, coffee always seemed like to staple for people who are on-to-go. What else is a better to bring with you when it’s early in the morning and you need to rush somewhere quick?

For those who tend to run a little late, being able to grab a coffee while you’re reaching your destination probably seems like the best idea in the world. And it sort of is. No longer do people have to purposely stop by a local Starbucks to grab their morning wake-up calls, all they have to do is hop on their designated train and let the barista on board of the train take care of that for you.

And lastly, where do people tend to go when they need to get work done? A coffee shop of course. So now not has Starbucks created a space for people to relax and get work done, they can travel while doing so!

Starbucks has taken “on-the-go” to a whole new level.