
by Joey Tung

Having been exposed to countless group projects throughout my high school education and some during my first year of university, group projects are nothing new to me. The introductions, first meetings, getting to know each other–it’s all something I enjoy about working in groups. Not being able to choose our own groups allowed me to meet classmates that I wouldn’t otherwise have met and that is one of the  takeaways from this project.

One of the main difficulties I faced with my team was time. It seemed that no matter how hard we tried to coordinate meeting times, none of us had mutual times that worked out for meetings. Luckily, with technology, we were able to do online meetings and did most of our work through their. We also took advantage of class time that was allotted for the project.

As for the project itself, I appreciated the fact that it was split into 3 sections. I find that having it separated into different assignments really allowed us to delve in and focus on each part. This way, our research was more thorough and our thoughts and ideas were more fleshed out, rather than if we were to do everything at the very end (since university students like to leave things to the very end!).

I’ve always enjoyed doing in-class presentations, but being able to shake things up a bit and do a video presentation instead allowed our team to be more creative and present our ideas in ways we wouldn’t in a traditional presentation. It brought out skills in team members that wouldn’t have been touched upon and allowed us to learn new techniques.

All in all, this project was definitely a worthwhile and educational process that I would recommend be continued in the coming years!