So, Obama or Romney?

by Joey Tung

After the debate that happened on October 3rd, it is evident to those who watched it that Mitt Romney delivered a stronger performance that night. Will this be the deciding factor as to who will win the presidential election? Certainly not.

Just days after the the debate ended, Romney already has a 4% lead over Obama, a sizable turnover as Obama was originally in the lead by 9%. Clearly Romney gained a boost after the debate, but is this enough? Reports show that despite the poor execution, Americans are starting to realize that the economy has not been as bad as it was years ago; some might even say that it has gotten better.

Based on personal judgement, I believe that people value personal experience over public wins. Even though Romney has narrowed the race with his strong presentations, he is still running against the current president, someone who already has valuable experience as to how to run a country. People are creatures of habit and tend to avoid change because change is unknown; change is unfamiliar.

As a follower of the past two presidential elections, I believe, and hope, that Obama wins, mainly because I feel that Americans have failed to realize that the poor economic state that they are in wasn’t brought on by Obama.


