Happy Thanksgiving to You, You…but not You

by Joey Tung

The one object I will always associate with  Thanksgiving is the memory of a magnificent, succulent turkey sitting in the middle of my dinner table– even if I haven’t had a turkey for Thanksgiving for two years now. However, I have alternates. I have food on my table that is equally as satisfying.

Unfortunately, not everyone gets an alternative.

The Daily Bread Food Bank has only reached one-third of their donation goals. As of Thanksgiving today,” $265,000 were collected along with 155,000 pounds” of canned food, a far cry from their goal of raising $400,000 and 400,000 pounds of canned food. They have seen a considerable increase in the number of people who need to come to food banks since the recession yet no particular increase in donations.

I feel that this is to be expected. The recession has affected most people, and those who were already at their financial limit were pushed over the edge and now need the help of food banks. Those who were doing adequately now have to watch every penny they spend. With the prices soaring nowadays, most notably in “gas prices, food prices, and rent prices”, it is no wonder that people don’t have spare cash to spend on donating.



*Side note: The Daily Bread Food Bank as well as many other food banks are still accepting donations! Drop by your local participating grocery stores as well as fire halls to donate.  Most needed items:  1) pasta  2) baby food  3) canned vegetables