Privacy? Does it Exist?

by Joey Tung

With so many new ways to connect with people such as through Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, it is interesting to know that none of these new social networking platforms can replace regular emailing.

Forty-two per cent of executives that were surveyed claimed that emailing was their primary source of professional networking. It is simple, easily accessible, and widely-used.

In the business worlds, hundreds of millions of emails are sent. Many contain corporate secrets that would cause damaging effects if it landed in the hands of a competitor.

So exactly how secure is your email?

With the recent scandal revolving around David Petraeus, the CIA Director, it leaves one wondering. If even the director of the CIA can have his online activities exposed to the world, how easy would it be to have your business emails leaked to others?

However, the biggest threats today, in terms of privacy, are search engines. Search engines “knows the things you wouldn’t ask your friends. It knows things you can’t ask your spouse. It knows the things you haven’t asked your doctor yet. It knows things that you can’t ask anyone else”

