Joey Tung's Blog

Things do not change; we change. Henry David Thoreau

Category: COMM 296


Having been exposed to countless group projects throughout my high school education and some during my first year of university, group projects are nothing new to me. The introductions, first meetings, getting to know each other–it’s all something I enjoy about working in groups. Not being able to choose our own groups allowed me to […]


One of my favourite marketing blogs, Branding Magazine, has posted an article on Starbucks’ foray into a new business venture–trains. And this isn’t just Starbucks deciding to be some train’s official coffee supplier or the sponsor. Oh no, Starbucks has decided it will create a new store…on rails. The new Starbucks train is completely functional […]

RE: Kristine Zhang

This blog post is a response to Kristine’s “New Google Ad will make you cry, without understanding a word that is said“: It seems like nowadays, many advertisements are focused on playing with the viewer’s heartstrings. Recently, I viewed one of Skype’s addition to their “reunion” themed advertisements about two girls named Sarah and Paige […]

“But wait, there’s more!”

For fellow insomniacs out there who’ve found themselves doing nothing but sitting in from of the television watching infomercials, have you ever wondered if anyone in their right mind actually falls for the exaggerated benefits and supposedly limited time offers? It shouldn’t come as a surprise though, that infomercials are still airing because they do […]

White Noise

What was the last thing you saw? Was it an advertisement? Chances are, it most likely was. Chances also are, you probably can’t recall what that particular advertisement was promoting. Why is that so? In the world we live in today, it’s hard not to come across advertising in one form or another. Be it […]

Get Healthy with a Pop

It’s no shocker that obesity rates are on the rise. It’s also no surprise that the blame for obesity has fallen on the soda and fast food industry. So why do these companies like to depict healthy and physically active people on their television commercials and advertisements? What happened to truth in advertising? One particular […]

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