Joey Tung's Blog

Things do not change; we change. Henry David Thoreau

Category: Uncategorized

Privacy? Does it Exist?

With so many new ways to connect with people such as through Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, it is interesting to know that none of these new social networking platforms can replace regular emailing. Forty-two per cent of executives that were surveyed claimed that emailing was their primary source of professional networking. It is simple, easily accessible, […]

Who Actually Listens?

During the midst of commotion surrounding Hurricane Sandy, warnings were made and evacuation orders were placed. Even U.S. President Obama had urged Americans to follow the directions saying, “If you don’t evacuate when you are asked to evacuate, you are putting first responders in danger”. Yet, did people actually listen? Days after the disaster, there is […]

Cost of Your Degree

After reading Nick Rimmer’s blog post, I have a similar sentiment. For a long time now, I have always set a goal to go to post-secondary. It has never crossed my mind that I would not go. But it was not until a year or two ago that I started to worry whether universities would […]

$130 for a $100 Meal

  Throw aside the old 15-20%. The new norm in tipping is to give 25-30%. Tipping after a meal is a common practice. But paying an extra 30% for a good meal and a good service seems a bit extravagant. It is a known fact that servers get paid less than minimum wage here and […]

Just Not Worth It

As of February 4th, 2013, there will be no more pennies. The federal government has finally decided that it is not worth it to make any more pennies. The current cost of production for the coin exceeds its actual worth with it taking $0.016 to make every penny. It is reported that in 2006, making […]

“Do economic boycotts work?” – CNN Blogs

Ever since discussions between China and Japan over the Senkaku Islands (or Diaoyu Islands) arose, tensions between the two countries have been tense. With both sides standing firm and claiming the islands as theirs, a resolution is far from near. To show their support, citizens of China have launched an economic boycott on Japanese products. […]

Happy Thanksgiving to You, You…but not You

The one object I will always associate with  Thanksgiving is the memory of a magnificent, succulent turkey sitting in the middle of my dinner table– even if I haven’t had a turkey for Thanksgiving for two years now. However, I have alternates. I have food on my table that is equally as satisfying. Unfortunately, not […]

So, Obama or Romney?

After the debate that happened on October 3rd, it is evident to those who watched it that Mitt Romney delivered a stronger performance that night. Will this be the deciding factor as to who will win the presidential election? Certainly not. Just days after the the debate ended, Romney already has a 4% lead over […]

Buckley’s Questionable, Yet Effective, Advertising

Coming across Aron Chitsaz’s blog post on Buckley’s strange way of advertising their product, I was instantly reminded of the times when I’d be forced to take Buckley’s whenever I had anything that resembled a cold. The bottle never seemed to run out. It would always be there, waiting for me to use it. Buckley’s […]

Call Center Hires Prisoners

You never know who you might be on the phone with. Becoming Green, a company providing sonar energy roofing panels, has admitted to the hiring of prisoners from the Prescoed minimum-security prison to work at their call centres. The Ministry of Justice has confirmed that 23 inmates are participating in the company’s effort to support the rehabilitation […]

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