Advertising works. Do you know how you’re being influenced?

Advertising works. There is no doubting that. For someone to say they are unaffected by advertising is naive. Companies are literally playing with your mind; this can be a very scary thing if one is not able to recognize it. I believe that a very important skill in modern society is being able to recognize advertising messages and interpret them based on what your thoughts are as an individual.

In an article by The Atlantic, Nigel Hollis, a chief analyst for Millward Brown, a global market research company, outlined some of the core ideas behind T.V. advertising. Specifically, how companies try to create memories that influence behaviour later on. I think that this is one of the most genius components of advertising. It is a subtle psychological tactic that allows companies to influence people without directly promoting their product. Direct promotion usually makes consumers defensive.

This influence is demonstrated in LG’s new brand positioning goals outlined in an article by Marketing Week. Are LG electronics actually “warmer” than Samsung’s? Probably not, but that is what LG is trying to tell you. It is a very imaginable concept, a family looking for a living room T.V. might turn to the “warmer” and “happier” sounding option. While this option is perfectly valid, a family has every right to want something “warm and happy” in their household, it is important to recognize that LG has instilled the idea that it is the only company that can provide that.

The main take away from all this is to recognize that advertising works. It isn’t a 70-billion dollar industry for nothing. I freely admit that I’m influenced by advertising but I also try to realize what the advertisers are telling me and make my own reasonably informed decisions.



Article by The Atlantic published in August of 2011. Written by Nigel Hollis:

Article by Marketing Week published in August of 2013. Written by Lara O’Reilly:

LG It’s All Possible Image, taken from google images:×215.jpg

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