How can they co-operate?

The conflict between Aboriginal peoples of Canada and its once foreign settlers is centuries old and has resulted in numerous events that have hurt human, environmental, and civil rights.

For a race of people that has been marginalized since the beginning, it is very easy to imagine the anger and frustration in response to the Indian Act that was enacted in 1867. An article by the CBC clearly describes the goal of assimilation through any means necessary attributed to the Indian Act. This incredible effort of marginalization has destroyed, hopefully not forever, any hope of trust between the Aboriginal peoples of Canada and the Federal Government.

Progress in the country and for the country, depends on the relationship between the two parties. News articles from The Vancouver Sun talking about the B.C. Hydro site C and the Tsilhqot’in New Prosperity Mine showcase the business and economic inefficiencies that take place because of a lack of a relationship between the two parties. Both side are wanting to expand and grow but are facing opposition from each other.

I don’t know enough about political science to determine an appropriate structure for the organization of Aboriginal groups but I do know that the Government should facilitate it. Allowing Aboriginal communities to be more sustainable, efficient, and economical through proper governance and representation would allow communication on new levels. Both parties will be able to make proper decisions and strive towards similar goals all while respecting and working well with each other.

It’s the government’s responsibility to help heal the wounds it created, and heal them in a way that they are stronger afterward in order to better communicate and create progress for everyone.


CBC Article, Background on the Indian Act, from suggested readings:

The Vancouver Sun, Tsilhqot’in set to declare site of New Prosperity mine a tribal park:

The Vancouver Sun,



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