Actions Over Words

If you haven’t noticed already, most of my blogs have been sports related articles, so why not stick to that theme?  I just read Gavin Li’s blog, and I liked how he analyzed one of Nike’s “Air Jordan” commercial. Last week, I remember Tamar mentioning brand extension and in this case, Nike did a great job of that.  Ever since taking Michael Jordan and using him as a symbol to extend their brand, the new “Air Jordan” brand has excelled and expanded worldwide.  Since Michael was and still is, a well-known icon, it is easy for him to sell his products.  In this case, so easy, that in his commercial, he does not even need to say a single word.  Instead, as Gavin has mentioned, Nike is pointing out that the game of basketball is “being played and appreciated around the globe”.  So without having to persuade the consumer into buying the products with the use of fancy words and dialogue Nike just lets their buyers watch.

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